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Searchable Knowledge Management tool creation to hande know-how of the enterprise using Nonaka-Takeuchi Method 


The knowledge management tool with searchable IP know-how was created using Nonaka Methodology. 


The situation

The company does not have a knowledge management tool that the experts can get through the knowledge accumulated in the organization.

The objective of the project is to create a searchable database for know-how of the organization and improve the ability to store and search know-how, better than current knowledge. 



The work

The estimated business impact of the project was continuous Improvement on URSA know-how and eliminating the cost avoidance because of areas re-study.

The Nonaka& Takeuchi Methodology was utilized approaching the situation.


Basically the methodology roadmap is

1. Socialization is tacit-to-tacit knowledge transfer based on face-to-face communications sharing mental models and very effective means of knowledge creation, maybe one of the easiest but nevertheless the more limited. 

2. Externalization is tacit to explicit knowledge transfer. In this mode, individuals are able to articulate the knowledge and know-how and, in some cases, the know-why and the care-why.

3.  Combination is the process of recombining discrete pieces of explicit knowledge into a new form. No new knowledge is created at this step. It is rather to improve what we have gathered so far, to make synthesis or a review report, a brief analysis or a new database. The content has been basically organized logically to get more sense, consolidated.

4.  Internalization occurs through diffusing and embedding newly acquired and consolidated knowledge. In some way, internalization is strongly linked to "learning by doing". Internalization converts or integrates shared and/or individual experiences and knowledge into individual mental models. Once employees who broaden it then use internalized, new knowledge, extend it, and reframe it within their own existing tacit knowledge. The habits have been changed.


The knowledge was classified using NT method and the knowledge database was created.


In the knowledge data boxes the knowhow was divided into three dimensions. These dimensions are knowledge type, product type and expertise area. The knowledge type is classified into knowhow, solutions, processes and specifications. The product dimension was divided into two product types.




The Result

The searchable tools were created for use of all experts. The development tuned interface to access the KM database. Multi searching options were created. Eventually, the interface will have a quick search page and confidentiality assured by access rights in hand.


First pilot and then the actual program were launched.


Before launching database, the training of all users made and the program advertised within the organization. This software improved the ability of experts to store, reload, search know-how and reach to IP information of the expertise and sector comprehensively. 



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