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In 1986, Motorola develops Six Sigma as a methodology to improve the quality of its products and inherits the principles and tools of continuous improvement and SPC (statistical process Control). 


In 1990,s Some large industrial companies adopt six sigma as a strategy initiative such as ABB (1993), Honeywell (1994), GE (1995). At the last decade from 2000 till today, heretofore, initial applications of Six Sigma outside production&quality,  6Sigma adoption grows with thousands of companies. 

What is Lean Six Sigma


Sigma refers standard deviation or capability 

Standard Deviation is measurement of variability around mean (average)

A process sigma means either process standard deviation (measurement  of variability) OR process capability to operate within specifications. 


A process Sigma level defines its capability to operate within specifications (without defects)

The sigma level of the process is related with the number of standard deviations that fit between the mean and the upper and lower specification limits.

6 sigma process operates within specifications in 99.9997% of the instances, it is almost Perfect. It means 3.4 defects in 1 milion. 



Sigma is continuous improvement and process management tool 

6 Sigma is organized methodology for the continuous improvement at all business processes. Customer is the key pillar. Six Sigma starts with comprehensive understanding of the customer needs. 


The other pillar is variation:  

Six Sigma focuses on the process variation in order to comprehend the process conceptually and in detail. Reducing variation is one of the essential objectives of the 6 Sigma initiative. 

Six Sigma create common language and drive data based decision making

Six sigma drives cultural transformation creating common language which catalyzes business excellence. 



Go on reading:  


Cost of Quality 


Organizational Deployment of Six Sigma 


DMAIC Methodology 


Quality History 




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