Gokhan Gureser
Continuous Improvement Expert
Process Analysis
Process analysis is accomplished through various techniques including mapping, interviewing, simulations and various other analytical techniques and methodologies. It often includes a study of the business environment and factors that contribute to or interact with the environment such as government or industry regulations, market pressures, and competition.
An analysis generates the information necessary for the organization to make informed decisions assessing the activities of the business. Without it, decisions are made based on opinion or intuition rather than documented, validated facts.
The information generated from this analysis will include the following:
Strategy, culture, and environment of the organization that uses the process (why the process exists)
Inputs and outputs of the process
Stakeholders, both internal and external, including suppliers, customers and their
needs and expectations
Inefficiencies within the current process
Scalability of the process to meet customer demands
Business rules that control the process and why they must exist
What performance metrics should monitor the process, who is interested in those
metrics and what they mean
What activities make up the process and their dependencies across departments
and business functions
Improved resource utilization
Opportunities to reduce constraints and increase capacity
Which Tools are used in Process Analysis?
Cost Analysis
Transaction Cost Analysis
Cycle Time
Pattern Analysis
Decision Analysis
Distribution Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Sensitivity Analysis
Risk Analysis
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