Gokhan Gureser
Continuous Improvement Expert
Motivating Team
There are many theories on that. You may have to utilize different theories to motivate your team. First of all let's see what type of power PM possess.
Powers Types of PM to authoritize and Motivate team
You need power to manage the team. Which power type do you have?
Formal Power
If you are in charge of a series of tasks and you are the responsible who need to deliver it, it is assumed that you also have got authority for that. formal power is the type of power that stems from your authority.
Expert Power
If you are famed with your expertise and knowledge, that will empower you. It would be cool if your power was titled with a PhD degree, Assoc. Prof. or Senior etc.
Reward Power
If you have got budget and auhority to reward you will also possess this kind of power.
Referent power
If you are famed with being the best friend of CEO or anyone at top management or board of directors, then his/her reference will promote you. This is referent power. One of the worst types of power as it is not stem from your own assets.
Coercive Power
The worst type of power is penalty power. It means you have got authority to penalize team members.
Maslow's theory (Hierarchy of needs)
According to Maslow , lower needs take priority. They must be fulfilled before the others are activated.
Alderfer's ERG theory
Alderfer defends that there are Hierarchical order of needs, very similar to Maslow's.
- Growth need
- Relation need
- Physical Existence need
McClelland's theory of acquired needs
some needs are acquired as a result of life experiences:
- need for achievement
- need for affilition
- need for power
Cognitive Evaluation
There are two motivational systems in cognitive evaluation.
..... intrinsic motivators:
responsibility, achievement
... Extrinsic motivators
pay, promotion, admiration
Herzberg's theory
there two factors affecting motivation
- Hygiene Factors
absence demotivates, presence not motivates, or visa versa.
The factors that when you remove them people will seek for them but it will not motivate when you supply them. It stem from addiction and get accustomed to conditions. Might change depending on culture. In Germany a clean air-conditioned office will not motivate people, but unclean conditions will demotivate.
Regarding cultural difference, it might motivate in Venezuela as air-condition is luxury there.
- Motivators
the factors that motivates when present, but their absence will not cause demotivation.
these two scales are different. One defines satisfaction and the earlier one dissatisfaction.
Equity Theory
This theory defends that people are motivated comparing themselves with others.
All people think about the ratio of award in exchange to the effort of his collegue and compare it with his/her own award vs. effort.
According to this theory, there might be many misperceptions as people do not see the whole picture, unaware of awards and efforts and capacities and quality of work delivered.
Reinforcement Theory
There are four types of conditions that a PM can create over members:
First two strenghten good behaviour
1. Positive reinforcement : award for a positive attitude, incentive for a sale
2. Negative reinforcement : removal of stressor after a good behavıour or result
later two weakens behaviour
3. Extinction: taking back nothing in exchange to good effort..
4. punishment : getting punishment for a behaviour.
Expectancy theory (Vroom's theory)
This bring together many theories.
Motivation = E I V
E = Expectancy of effort will convert into good result and deliverable (belief)
I = instrumentality = his attitude and results will be awarded
V= Valence = intensity of reward and punishment
McGregor's Theory
McGregor classified workers into two groups X and Y.
Theory X : believe that workers dislike working and need to be controlled closely and frequently
Theory Y: assumes that people love to work and and achieve without supervision and and everybody want to be successful.